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Monitoring of LGBT+ workplace equality measures – why is it important and how to do it effectively

29/11/2022 | 16:30

Accenture (Visionary Offices, Plynární 1617/10, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice)

This workshop will give us essential tips on setting up measuring tools to monitor the impact of LGBT+ workplace equality activities. 


In today’s working environment, LGBT+ workplace equality is no longer an aim but an expectation. Like any other strategic pillar of the company, LGBT+ workplace equality must rely on continuous measurement and improvement. Monitoring the impact of measures and activities pursuing LGBT+ diversity and inclusion is necessary to implement and promote diversity within the workplace. By collecting data and analyzing the results, you can address the areas of your business that you feel could benefit from greater diversity while identifying how it has helped you in other areas. Managers need to get dedicated KPIs to monitor and measure tools to see if their actions have a tangible impact on the inclusion culture. 

The following workshop will give us essential tips on setting up measuring tools to monitor the impact of LGBT+ workplace equality activities. 

In the first part, Michal Pitoňák, a National Institute of Mental Health researcher, will discuss Standards and Recommendations for Assessing the Social Status of Discrimination and Violence Against Non-Heterosexual and Gender Diverse Persons, including recommendations on how to monitor areas of sexual and gender identity. 

In the second part, Petra Madarová from Accenture will present an example of the best practice for monitoring and evaluating of impact and effectiveness of LGBT+ workplace equality activities in their company. Accenture is repeatedly leading the section of impact monitoring in LGBT+ Friendly Employer of the Year.

The interactive discussion on implementing recommendations and examples of good practice into the reality of participating companies will follow. 


Date: November 29th, 2022, 16:30 – 18:30

Attendance: in-person 

Venue: Accenture (Visionary Offices, Plynární 1617/10, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice)

Language: English


Funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).


Event Details

Mgr. Marcela Macháčková

Marcela Macháčková (she/her) is specializing in the topic of stigma, mainly in the domain of mental health and also in stigmatization of LGBTQ+ identities. Her main focus is on educational activities in topics of gender identity and sexual orientation (Mezipatra na školách) and then within her PhD also in complex sexual education in general. She is a graduate of psychology at FF UPOL.


RNDr. Michal Pitoňák, Ph.D.

Michal is a transdisciplinary scholar invested in better understanding of the links between the societal positions of people with diverse sexualities and gender identities and their health and well-being. Consequently, he is interested in researching stigma and societal norms from various disciplinary perspectives. Michal's background is in biology, human geography, social-critical theories, including feminist and queer studies. He defended his Ph.D. thesis at Charles University in 2015 and he works for National institute of mental health since. In 2017 he founded a CSO Queer Geography which he currently chairs.


Petra Madarová

Petra Madarová has been with Accenture for 6 years working in the role of the People Engagment Lead and is responsible for wide range of internal communications for the Czech office. Apart from that she has been leading the company’s ERG Pride at Accenture since 2020 and in this role is focused on constant development of initiatives ensuring a welcoming workplace for all.


Date: 29/11/2022

Start time: 16:30 CEST

End time: 18:30 CEST

Venue: Accenture (Visionary Offices, Plynární 1617/10, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice)