Become a member

Create a workplace where your employees can be themselves. This will allow them to focus more effectively on your business.

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IBM Hilton Prague Pride
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Mama shelter WPP Novatris
I got a new boyfriend.
Me too!!!
HR managerka

I’m the HR /D&I Manager


I’m an LGBT+ employee


I’m the owner / manager

We create a space for employers to discuss LGBTQ+ workplace equality

Whether you are an employee, HR manager or a company owner, we are here to help you. We ensure that the public and private sectors can work closely together on issues of LGBTQ+ workplace equality, and provide them with a unique opportunity to share direct experiences and best practice. Besides the annual Pride Business Forum conference, we organize smaller workshops or networking events.


Conferences and workshops

The annual Pride Business Forum conference is the biggest conference in the Czech Republic focusing on LGBTQ+ workplace equality. The conference has become the preferred place to network and share strategies and best practice that help to create inclusive workplaces for everyone. In addition, we also organize intensive workshops focusing on specific areas of LGBTQ+ workplace equality.



The LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer and Pride Business Forum Heroes Awards recognize individuals and organizations who lead the way in advancing equality for LGBTQ+ employees at their workplace.



We use effective training methods to help managers and teams to find ways in which the company can support LGBTQ+ employees to come out, create a better work climate, deal with stereotypes and ensure a better output for the whole team. Training can be both offline and online.



We connect companies with more advanced policies and practices in the area of LGBTQ+ workplace equality and those just starting on this journey. Through mentoring, they can exchange best practice and information on how to effectively advance LGBTQ+ workplace equality.


Events and Workshops

Interesting places, inspirational speakers, networking, exchange of information and best practice in inclusion, diversity and equality. We organize events and workshops for our member companies and the general public on a regular basis. Don’t miss out!


Různorodost se dere do popředí, ale jde to pomalu

Jsou organizace, které se prosazováním diverzity a inkluze nejen v byznysu začaly zabývat už před více než dekádou, výraznější posun ale zaznamenávají až v posledních letech. Jejich zástupci a zástupkyně diskutovali na Euro Byznys Breakfast o rovném odměňování mužů a žen, právech LGBT+ lidí nebo zpružnění trhu práce. A nabídli i řadu námětů pro stát.

FinŽeny, Červenec 2024

How HR can create a trans inclusion policy 

Writing a transgender inclusion policy can be a crucial act of support for trans employees, diversity experts have said.

Fewer than 1% of the UK population identified as transgender or non-binary in the 2021 census. But many of those people feel that they have to hide their identity, according to LGBT rights charity Stonewall.

“It’s essential that HR and people teams in organisations have trans inclusion policies,” said Bobbi Pickard, CEO of the consultancy, charity and training organisation Trans in the City. Pickard was speaking to HR magazine.

Find out more in the article.

HR magazine, květen 2024

illustration hands

Only an employee who is out can thrive at work.

Starting with equality